Sunday, June 24, 2007

Idols or God? 2 Women 2 Choices

Princess Diana was one of the most famous people of the twentieth century, and sadly one of the saddest. Her search to bring some meaning to her life in order for herself to feel validated was at times tragic, this is a case in point of choosing false idols in the vain hope of attaining happiness.

We all know that the princess had numerous affairs, should we judge her for this? No, she simply like most of us wanted to be loved for herself. She probably also felt an emptiness within her heart and soul, it is on record how many psychics and health gurus this poor lady relied upon. And I am sure she searched with sincerity to find the one thing that would make her happy and at peace, princess Diana simply chose the `false idols' of the world which so many magazines propagate, she chose the wrong path.

Even though Diana chose badly she still tried her best to spread happiness to all those she met, but the emptiness within herself never dissipated. Diana had the worlds adulation, she had beauty and spent many millions on maintaining that beauty, she also paid a fortune to self help gurus and psychics. All this money spent on `outside' superficialities and none invested where it mattered within her soul. God does not charge for His Love. This lovely Princess had all the things that the world says will bring great happiness, yet, she remained lost and lonely, I pray now that she has finally found the love and acceptance with our Lord in Heaven that she could not find here on earth.

Mother theresa was born in a small village in Yugoslavia, in allreasoning this lady should have lived in obscurity, she was not stunningly beautiful, she had no wealth, no power, no title.

Then she entered her religious order and was sent to Ireland where she still remained in relative obscurity, from there she was sent to India as a teaching Sister.

Then she heard the `call within the call' and after prayer, she consulted her superiors, then waited for their answer, she eventually gained permission to leave this order and start her own. Many thought her mad, some thought her prideful, but this sister maintained her focus on Jesus and Him Crucified, her order 'The Sisters of Charity' is now world famous.

Yes! This lady also had the love and respect of almost all people, but she did not choose to be of the world even though she remained very definitely in the world. Mother Theresa chose the right path and kept her focus on God, and trusted in Him, even If at times her very life was threatened.

Mother Theresa also recognised the false idols of this world, and tried to raise the awareness of those who suffered the most from the worlds obsession with itself. Mother Theresa spoke about the most dreaded disease prevalent, to be unloved, unneeded and unwanted. There is nothing in the world that will give what the heart yearns for, she understood, that only God can ease that longing, the thirst and the yearning to be truly Loved.

Two great and famous ladies of the twentieth century. God Loved both equally. One lady lived her life never recognising the `false idols'. The other lady lived her life, recognised it and chose God.

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